Chen Peisi and Chen Dayu, a father-son comedian duo, will lead a drama show “A Startling Dream” with four consecutive performances starting on June 8th and lasting till June 11 in Nanjing Poly Grand Theatre. The father-son duo met with Nanjing audience Wednesday evening in Nanjing.
As a blockbuster drama of 2023 Nanjing Drama Festival, “A Startling Dream” is another original play directed by and starring Chen Peisi. Its main storyline revolves around the fate of traditional opera troupes by telling the story of Hechunshe, a Kunqu opera troupe, that strived for survival in times of war. Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu shared interesting stories behind performances on site and audiences kept raising question to the father-son duo.
This comedy cleverly combines conflicts, misunderstandings, metaphors, and jokes through traditional and concise plot content, showcasing the inheritance of art during the war era, the future of the country, and the fate of the average people. It also tells the story of the persistence of cultural inheritance in the era and the joys and sorrows of the characters.
This is the first comedy performance by Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu on the same stage. In the play, Chen Dayu plays the role of Chang Shaokun, a young master obsessed with operas.
The text structure of “A Startling Dream” vividly showcases how the seemingly delicate and delicate art form of Kunqu Opera can burst into vitality during times of war and turmoil. Whether it is the dreamy artistic tension in Kunqu opera arias, the fate of the characters in the art troupe drifting in the background of war, the presentation of war scenes, or the handling of theatrical performance scenes, they all create a song about the eternal sorrow of life amidst compassion and poignant beauty.
2023?Nanjing Drama Festival will continuously bring plays and performances to Nanjing audiences. "The Age of Awakening", "Bad Kids" and the original English drama "Pride and Prejudice" will showcase in the following days.